
Near- to mid-infrared spectroscopy of the heavily obscured AGN LEDA 1712304 with AKARI/IRC

Rocky Planetesimal Formation Aided by Organics

Discovery of An au-scale Excess in Millimeter Emission from the Protoplanetary Disk around TW Hya

Effect of dust size and structure on scattered-light images of protoplanetary discs

Dust Continuum Emission and the Upper Limit Fluxes of Submillimeter Water Lines of the Protoplanetary Disk around HD 163296 Observed by ALMA

ALMA Observations of Layered Structures due to CO Selective Dissociation in the ρ Ophiuchi A Plane-parallel PDR

The Synthetic ALMA Multiband Analysis of the Dust Properties of the TW Hya Protoplanetary Disk

The Effect of Carbon Grain Destruction on the Chemical Structure of Protoplanetary Disks